"Down Low" - WW2 tank busting Official Thread
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:25 PM UTC
"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:28 PM UTC
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Ok Carlos. Well look out Jerry....... The Supreme Dream Team is taking to the air!
May I suggest this squadron on your behalf Carlos?
No. 164 Squadron of the Royal Air Force was a Figher Squadron during the Second World War
Around 600 Argentine volunteers, mostly of Anglo-Argentine descent, joined the British and Canadian Air Forces, mostly in the 164 Argentine-British RAF squadron.
After providing support for the landing forces from southern England, the squadron moved to France in July. During the Battle of Normandy, No.164 used its rockets against enemy armour in the battle area and after the breakout moved forward through northern France and Belgium in support of the 21st Army Group.

And here's one of their Typhoons.

Hi Jan:
Ok, flying with a companion will be great.
Let me see what can I do with the decals set that I have. I{ll answer you soon.
I know about the argentines volunteers in Sqn. 164, also there were some in the 175 Sqn and in other Sqns of th RAF, RCAF and in the Fleet Air Arm too.
Ther is a fantastic book that tells the story of the argentine volunters in the RAF. I do not know if it exits in English, the name is "Alas de Trueno" (Wings of Thunder). It has hundreds of fantastic photos and lot of info.
If you{re interested I can check if it exists in English.
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
Winston Spencer Churchill
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:36 PM UTC
That would be cool Carlos cheers..... I don't mind building Typhoons from another squadron if you want that mate. Any suggestions O' Enlighted One? I've seen two pictures from the 164 squadron.....that's all.
"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:15 AM UTC
Hi Jan:
That pictures are fantastic. Are we flying and burnning out the Jerries ?
:-) :-)
I found the following decal sets in my stash:
FT P (RB222) Monogram set
HH N (EK 319) Hasegawa set
TP R (JR371) Hasegawa set
HH U (MN353) Argentine Warriors in the RAF - Condor Decals
The first and last ones need the new sliding canopie and my kit has the old one. I{ll check if I have something from Falcon canopies.
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
Winston Spencer Churchill
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:19 AM UTC
Rather be in a Jabo in any case - you can run away quicker :-)
Lee Jackson - Modeller/Retailer
Money can't buy you hapiness - but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer!
Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result - Winston Churchill
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:26 AM UTC
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Hi Jan:
That pictures are fantastic. Are we flying and burnning out the Jerries ?
:-) :-)
Yep Carlos, that's you and me earning our living the hard way..... Maybe Ulises wouldn't mind to be our mascot......maybe you should ask him?

"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"
Oulu, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 01:00 AM UTC
Is it still possible to join this campaingn? I just found an appropriate kit for this one: Hasegawa 1/48 Hurricane mk II d. Also, is it possible to have more than one entries? I found Eduard's 1/72 Stormovik from my stash...
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 01:16 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
Hi Jan:
That pictures are fantastic. Are we flying and burnning out the Jerries ?
:-) :-)
Yep Carlos, that's you and me earning our living the hard way..... Maybe Ulises wouldn't mind to be our mascot......maybe you should ask him?

Hi Jan:
Ulises said YES !!! He want to come with us to beat the Jerries.

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
Winston Spencer Churchill
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 01:31 AM UTC
Good! We have to give him his own flight equipment then.

"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"

England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 04:03 AM UTC
Carlos, Jan, You could always do 195 Sqn for your Typhoons.
This Sqn is quite close to mine and Camogirl's heart as our Air Cadet sqn adopted the 195 Crest, as we share the same Squadron number
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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 04:06 AM UTC
Petri--its not too late mate and you can build as many as you want within the time frame! Welcome aboard.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 04:20 AM UTC
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Carlos, Jan, You could always do 195 Sqn for your Typhoons.
This Sqn is quite close to mine and Camogirl's heart as our Air Cadet sqn adopted the 195 Crest, as we share the same Squadron number
Hi Allen:
I have no problem to build a Typhoon from any Sqn. The thing is that I´ve to find the decals, and here it isn´t easy. Apart from that it would be great if Jan could build a Typhoon from the same Sqn than me. Today I talked to a friend who have some decal sets, may be tomorrow I will have more options.
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
Winston Spencer Churchill
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 06:02 AM UTC
Hi Jan:
Look at this, all from Ultracast.
Typhoon seats with Sutton Harness-
They look great. I´ll try to get a pair of them.

Typhoon drop tanks:

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
Winston Spencer Churchill
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 06:54 AM UTC
OK, I'm in.
I'll be building something German with really big cannons under the wings.
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 07:37 AM UTC
Even though I committed myself to the Aircobra, I found this pic of an La-7. Anybody know what the tubes are? There was no explanation where I found it. If it was for killing tanks, it may be a cool subject for someone.

They too will be ground up to lubricate the gears of progress.
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 07:42 AM UTC
"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"
Oulu, Finland
Joined: August 10, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 10:54 AM UTC
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its not too late mate and you can build as many as you want within the time frame!
Right then, I'll be starting with the Hurri, then if there's still time I will build the Sturmo. Thanks
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 08:56 PM UTC
I think I have a Typhoon in the stash, so count me in. Looks like there'll be quite a few of them...
On the workbench:
1/48 Spitfire Mk V & Mk VIII (Spitfire Campaign)
1/72 Challenger II (British Armor Campaign)
1/48 AH-64D Apache (CAS)
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:03 PM UTC
I've got a typhoon in the stash, but thats ear marked for a captured colour scheme, so i'll have to find something else - don't think the stash has anything that fits - any one want to suggest me a challenge of a kit to build? Preferably one with two engines!
It's not the same, better, but not the same...
IPMS NO 10636

Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:11 PM UTC
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I think I have a Typhoon in the stash, so count me in. Looks like there'll be quite a few of them...
Yeah, Looks like a very popular aircraft

I have added you to the list of participants. What kit is it? Welcome on board
@Sluff: I have added you to the participants list with your Hurricane. You are welcome to join with more models as Patrick stated. Welcome to the show
@Lucky 13: cool pictures - both the more dramatic ones and the reference shoots.
@Carlos: good to have the support of Ulises

Now the campaign has a mascot
@VonCuda: welcome on board. I am guessing you building a Stuka? Or have you found something else German with big cannons under the wings?
Campaign'oholic - 252+ campaigns completed

Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:16 PM UTC
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I've got a typhoon in the stash, but thats ear marked for a captured colour scheme, so i'll have to find something else - don't think the stash has anything that fits - any one want to suggest me a challenge of a kit to build? Preferably one with two engines!
You could go with fx. the Henschel 129 from Hasegawa? There are already two of those included in the campaign, but do not let that stop you
Otherwise an early version of the Bf. 110 with bombs underneath? Not the later versions that were used as bomber interceptors.
I think I have seen ground attack versions of Beaufighters with rockets being used in North Africa against tanks, but I am not entirely sure. Most were used against shipping and is therefore not tank busters. Maybe aomebody else has information on this?
Campaign'oholic - 252+ campaigns completed
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:17 PM UTC
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I've got a typhoon in the stash, but thats ear marked for a captured colour scheme, so i'll have to find something else - don't think the stash has anything that fits - any one want to suggest me a challenge of a kit to build? Preferably one with two engines!
Your a bit restricted by the two engine's - other than Hs129, Mossy (with rockets) and perhaps some versions of the Me410 and Bf110 I cant think of anything (and the Ju88P).
I was going to do a Tiffy myself but there are too many of them now. I may just be boring and do a Ju87G-2 or possibly a Mossie
Of course, no one has chosen the Fw190 yet these could be fitted with anti-tank weapons.
Lee Jackson - Modeller/Retailer
Money can't buy you hapiness - but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer!
Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result - Winston Churchill

Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:18 PM UTC
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Even though I committed myself to the Aircobra, I found this pic of an La-7. Anybody know what the tubes are? There was no explanation where I found it. If it was for killing tanks, it may be a cool subject for someone.

To me they look way to big to be weapons. If there is a rocket inside those babies I do not want to get hit
I am guessing some form of rocket busters or maybe jet engines used for testing. I am only guessing.

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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:20 PM UTC
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Of course, no one has chosen the Fw190 yet these could be fitted with anti-tank weapons.
Sure, they were used as tank killers. Both with rockets and with bombs. So knock yourself out
Campaign'oholic - 252+ campaigns completed
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 09:21 PM UTC
I've got a mossy or two in my stash - one of them if teed up to be from the banff strike wing, as was the othe, but i could change - does any one have references for a tank busting squadron equipped with mossies?
It's not the same, better, but not the same...
IPMS NO 10636