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Official BF 109 Campaign
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 04:32 AM UTC

On a related front, I have picked up a Hasegawa Bf 109 G-6 kit (#8067) for using the Italian markings Rowan reviewed here, and I wanted to find out what upgrades are really necessary to do this kit correctly?

Do I need an Aires cockpit? Wheel wells? I know some Hasegawa kits need a lot of improving, but this one is fairly recent, correct?
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 06:28 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Terri I'm just wondering when exactly this campaign closes..

In case you didn't find out already, 19th of this month.
You can see the ending dates of each currently running campaign on the campaign overview page (click on the 'campaigns' tab on top the page). It's also shown on the specific campaign page.

Quoted Text

On a related front, I have picked up a Hasegawa Bf 109 G-6 kit (#8067) for using the Italian markings Rowan reviewed here, and I wanted to find out what upgrades are really necessary to do this kit correctly?

Do I need an Aires cockpit? Wheel wells? I know some Hasegawa kits need a lot of improving, but this one is fairly recent, correct?

Well, it's not my scale so I'm not the best person to comment on that, but the OOB cockpit detail looks better than on the 1:48 scale kit (here's some photos posted in WIP thread: < click >.
There's no question about it though if a resin cockpit would be an improvement.

Here's a tweak list (in pdf) for the G-6 from
< click >

No update this time on my entry. Decaling is underway at the moment. It has been taking a while as there's quite a few of them and I want to do my best to avoid silvering and get them snuggle down to the recessed details. But I'm almost done at the moment. More WIP pics coming soon.

Edit: Anyone know why < and > refuse to work with URL tags? I tried to do the two links above as "less-than" click "greater than", but they didn't display any text at all in the message after posting, and when editing, the spaces for the links' text were empty.
Even as normal text, anything written between < and > doesn't show.
Edit 2: Interesting... With a space between, it works.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 10:36 AM UTC

Quoted Text

On a related front, I have picked up a Hasegawa Bf 109 G-6 kit (#8067) for using the Italian markings Rowan reviewed here, and I wanted to find out what upgrades are really necessary to do this kit correctly?

Do I need an Aires cockpit? Wheel wells? I know some Hasegawa kits need a lot of improving, but this one is fairly recent, correct?

Others may have their own quibbles on dimensions, however, I really like that kit. On the other hand my one major beef with the Hasegawa Gustavs and Friedrichs is one that I have with all 1/48 scale 109's (until the Zvezda kit arrived on the scene that is)

The seat back on the cockpit tub is never rendered correctly (and even the resin after market sets tend to copy the flaw of the kit originals.

Gustavs should have an ergonomically molded in seat back that contours with the shoulder blades of the pilot. The kit has a flat seat back.

Still looking for a way to correct that flaw as I have a half dozen of these kits on the shelf.

Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 10:46 AM UTC
I've been stealing an hour a day before work to button up my Gustav. Closing in on this one. Finished painting the spinner and landing gear today. Plane has its first coat of Future.

I'm gonna try and get decals on in the next day or two. Looks like she'll be airworthy within a week (pictures to follow).

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 04:07 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I have finally completed my Hasegawa 1/48 Bf 109 E1 from I./JG 26 Summer 1939. The markings are from Krzysztof Janowicz' book 'JG 26 Schlageter, Vol 1' which included the decals. Thanks for leading the campaign Terry.


Very nice build Tom , camo turned out really well . Love the white band it sets off the rest of build just right . Thanks for joinning the campaign and sharing in the fun .
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 08:51 PM UTC
I was asked to provide a few more photos, I used a Aeromaster sheet for the Italian markings. . The photo is a tad grainy, sorry about that.
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, September 06, 2010 - 10:44 PM UTC
Ok, I've finally got round to putting my pic in the gallery. Hope its enough.

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 01:41 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Still looking for a way to correct that flaw as I have a half dozen of these kits on the shelf.

Mould some copies of the Zvesda part and graft them in other kits?

Decals are on!

The tail numbers are from InScale, MT-415 registry numbers assembled from Techmod's individual letters and numbers, and the rest are from the Techmod G-2 sheet. Even though the InScale sheet had the registry numbers as well (in one piece), I opted to play around with Techmod's numbers and letters as InScale's carrier film is around Hasegawa thickness and I feared it wouldn't have conformed to the riveting as well as Techmod's. With the tail numbers this wasn't an issue as the wooden tall tail lacks the riveting.
In retrospect, cutting some masks and spraying on the tail numbers would have ensured a finish uniform with the fuselage bands and wing tips, but hey, let's just call it variety.

The Techmod decal sheet was great as it provided alternatives for several stencils like the oil filler triangle, landing flap angle indicator (up or fully lowered) and the oil cooler warning text on the cowling, but the instructions needed some careful study and use of references: Most of the alternative stencils provided on the sheet weren't mentioned at all, and the locations of the stencils for the compressed air and oxygen filler hatches were reversed.

And if you were wondering, yes, I did knock off the radio antenna mast while handling the model. The good thing is that it snapped off clean and didn't break, it should be as easy to re-attach as it was in the first place.

Staff MemberCampaigns Administrator
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 03:24 AM UTC
Thanks, Terri, for the link to that PDF sheet. Does anyone have a list of AM upgrades they would recommend? It looks like the cockpit is generally OK, which saves me $25.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 03:57 PM UTC
Minor mishap with decal setting solution crazing the gloss coat. ( had to reshoot a couple of colors), but I'm still on track. In the middle of decals now. Want to finish those in the next day or two and then seal it wash it and weather it.

Happy modeling!
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 04:20 AM UTC
progress shots, 11 days to go..what do you think my chances are?

I'm pretty confident, a day or more building and she'll be close to paintable. The scheme isnt too I'm fairly confident.


more pics in the WW!! forum.
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 09, 2010 - 03:52 AM UTC
Good work all. I'll single a few folks out:

* Kornbeef - That's a lot of sanding! Great detail and painting on the wheels and exhausts.
* Eetu - The Finn 109 is looking good - nice airbrush work. One of the most attractive schemes ont he 109, IMHO.
* Tom T - Nice E - would like another picture!
* Craig Beal - Like seeing an early 109. How many hours did you put into the Classic Airframes kit? Would you recommend it?
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 09, 2010 - 03:07 PM UTC
Almost there.

Landing gear attached. Now time to revisit decals.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Friday, September 10, 2010 - 03:36 PM UTC
Okay my project is finished !

I was going to weathering this beast , but in the end I kinda like the clear apperance to it .

go easy on me , not really a WW 2 modeller you know .....there's no rigging which throw me off
Washington, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 10, 2010 - 05:49 PM UTC

Looks good just as it is..... as do all of the builds.... some very nice 109's... However, if you really want to feel all warm and fuzzy you could "rig" the antenna...

Next time you have one of these parties I will be sure to take a look..... most of my stuff is really stuck on the ground but I will admit that this was a lot of fun and got me to actually finish one!!!

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 01:41 AM UTC

Quoted Text


Looks good just as it is..... as do all of the builds.... some very nice 109's... However, if you really want to feel all warm and fuzzy you could "rig" the antenna...

Next time you have one of these parties I will be sure to take a look..... most of my stuff is really stuck on the ground but I will admit that this was a lot of fun and got me to actually finish one!!!


Thanks Bob , it was a fun build and yes I will rig the antenna , but it won't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside , I'll let the rum do that !

How are the rest of you folks doing on your projects , the 19th is coming upon very soon here .......
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 01:52 PM UTC
Its great to see so many birds getting completed.

@ Terri: A clean crisp build (I would expect nothing less from you)

Nearing the final couple of stages before calling this one complete. First layer of washes is on. I'm doing touch ups as I type this.

Exhaust stains, paint chips, matte coat and canopy details then I'll be able to submit final photos to the campaign folder. (hey I think I'll even have a few days to spare!)

Washington, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 03:51 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Thanks Bob , it was a fun build and yes I will rig the antenna , but it won't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside , I'll let the rum do that !

How are the rest of you folks doing on your projects , the 19th is coming upon very soon here .......

Well, not to tell you how to build your models, but remember the rum comes after the rigging....
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 05:35 PM UTC
I'm on decalling Terri, I mean I'm decalling the kit not you. All the major buildings done, a fw small parts to attach once its decaled then weathered in. Lifes got a little busier but I still think the 19th is feasable.

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 11:41 PM UTC
@ Terri: Good job on your build! Turned out real nice.
My entry's coming along rather nicely. I should have it ready by the deadline. Yesterday I sprayed on a coat of flat base / future mixture. Discovered a couple of more cases of silvering on a few decals. Gotta try and get those fixed. (don't you just love when that happens over mottling!)
Apart from that, now there's just the final assembly and exhaust stains to be done.

Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Monday, September 13, 2010 - 12:23 AM UTC
Beautiful build Terri, I love that dark scheme too !! Well done.

Fred, your build is looking great as well, and a very interesting scheme as well.

Cheers, D
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Monday, September 13, 2010 - 02:46 AM UTC
Made some progress today...

The landing gear ready for the doors and wheels:

Main gear doors done:

I already had these painted up and ready a couple of days ago when I started to really look at them and comparing them to those on the G-2 in my display cabinet and noticed how the two pin ejector marks in the lower part would indeed show up pretty prominently when finished. And I had only dealt with the single ejector mark on the upper portion, thinking that the difficult-to-fill lower ones wouldn't be visible.
As I really didn't feel like filling and sanding those hard-to-reach buggers at this stage anymore (not only would the chore be troublesome, but take some time as well, not something desirable at this point), I got this idea of covering the whole sector-shaped depressions in the doors, not with thin styrene sheet, but with regular scotch magic tape. And it worked! I just laid a piece of tape over each door, burnished down the tape a bit along the edges, then cut out with a knife and burnished each piece down. The edges are not pefrect (note to self: gotta work on my technique), but I'm quite happy how it turned out.

Bits of brass wire installed to the front of the oil cooler and radiator intakes:

Ultracast's exhaust pipes and the scratchbuilt covers glued in place:

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 06:02 AM UTC
She is looking might fine Eetu !

My computer is in the repair shop and will be down for the time being , smoke from the hard drive is never a good thing .

Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 05:16 PM UTC
Looking good, all!

Fred - that is a very interesting scheme with the high contrast between nose and rear fuselage. I look forward to seeing more.

I finished painting and gloss cote for Franz Doerr's Bf109G-14:

My RLM04 came out a little more orange than I wanted, but Tamiya yellow was too...yellow.
With luck, I'm looking to finish on time.
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 01:12 AM UTC
Hi all! Some great work there Eetu and Tom.
Well I have managed to get my entry completed in between plenty of work and some renovations. It is the Academy 1/72 Bf-109 E4 of Hans von Hahn I believe, and despite what people keep saying, I have had no problems at all with the decals! The photos are not the best and will try and get some new ones in a few days time; yellow isn't that yellow and it has had a wash!! Anyway, enjoy.