@ Rob: nice set of pictures they make me want to build a P40 now. The builds that you have posted photos of, are great representations of what this campaign is all about.
@ D.: Hey is that a new shark you got there? I am with you on the decal application for the kit

At the moment which we have 561,300 (rough estimate since I am not feeling too good (migraine

)until the campaign starts. Hey D. your Zorstorer (if I spelled it correctly

)has about the same number of minutes till it starts.
@ Herman: Mark found a set of decals for your 1/24 KittyHawk do you think they will cost as much as the kit? And where will you display the finished a/c? It is almost big enough to fly in. I will be waiting for the photos that you post of your build progress is making my mouth water.
@ Mark: I need to find out if there is a way to move your site up to the head of the tread posts to give those who wish to enlist a peak of the options that you have put forth.
I think that Herman should post a photo of his all decalled up P40 and any others on display. Rob has shared some realy nice pics what about you D., Torsten,Nick,Eetu,Vance,Tuomas, Frederick, Chuck, David, Mark is doing a WIP of the Heller 1/72 P40(E I think) which makes me want to do the same with my OTAKI P40E

OOOH! what the heck, something to do even if it cannot be entered. I need the airbrush practice and it might make the headaches go away

the inner demon

that just has to cut on plastic is pushing out of my cap. So, I will do it

I will pull out the camera and start my WIP tonight it will be titled "WHAT NOT TO DO TO YOUR P40 OR THE TIGERS WILL GET YA"

Accounting is taking over my life so this HAS to be done or I will lose my sanity

if I had any in the first place.
OK tomorrow
1. pics of the box.
2. pics of the parts.
Over and out
Herman, D., Mark I really am sick