OFFICIAL: Hangar Queen III Campaign
England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, July 05, 2013 - 08:01 PM UTC
Quoted Text
@Mal--did you say those markings are painted on!? Wholly crap, they look fantastic! The whole thing looks great. It's hard to tell its a model and not the real thing.
Yes Keith, everything that you see here is painted on I don't use decals at all for markings and paint as much as possible

See my Face book page for more
Miracle Paint Masks Quoted Text
Mal: the Spit is looking fime and your masking is a lesson that I have followed in the past to use on my own a/c. I also build rubber powered free flight scale and need to talk to you re: national insignia that I could apply over doped tissue.
No Problem Bob drop me a line at
[email protected] and I'll send you something to test?
BULLDOG # 6 (President)
Sappers: First in, last out. (UBIQUE)
It's not the same, better, but not the same.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Saturday, July 06, 2013 - 01:14 AM UTC
Quoted Text
@ Eetu: Hello and welcome.
Hello, and thanks!
I'm currently building a model for 'Anything Goes', as it closes earlier than this one. I'll join in properly, with building a model that is, when I get that Anything Goes entry done. While I'm at it, I'll have to pick which one of my unfinished kits to tackle. I got a bunch of those...
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 02:43 AM UTC
Following Jessica & Michael's advice i'm joining HQ3 today, bringing in a Ju 88 night fighter unfinished on the Devils in the dark campaign.
Since this campaign lasts till December, I wonder if i may enlist more than 1 Hangar beauty?
Got several candidates

Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 03:03 AM UTC
Hi Pedro, of course you can enter as many as you like, but you get only one prize.
Most likely there will be a HQ IV next year, as well.
there is also a Kitmaker wide campaign proposal called Unfinished business, which might be of interest.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 03:04 AM UTC
Welcome, pedro you certainly have enough time to finish more aircraft. Do you have a photo of what stage your Ju 88 is in?
If it aint broke dont fix it.
Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: August 27, 2010
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 03:41 AM UTC
I sure do Bob

As u can see i'm half way there.
Cool thing you guys allow more than 1 kit build, i will definitely try to finish another unfinished plane as soon as this junkers is completed.
The best prize i can have is to actually end a project within a reasonable schedule
Thanks for the welcome

Washington, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 07:59 AM UTC
It's a pretty neat campaign. I think I've finished more planes on HQ than in actual campaigns. Matter of fact, most of my HQ's are unfinished campaign builds
But you only get one ribbon, no matter how many you finish...
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
British Columbia, Canada
Joined: September 03, 2009
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 08:26 AM UTC
Quoted Text
But you only get one ribbon, no matter how many you finish...
Surely the real prizes are the finished models and the extra room on your workbench?
When once you have tasted flight you will walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
-Leonardo Da Vinci
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 01:59 PM UTC
@ Pedro: your junkers is looking good so far, what scheme have you planned for it?
@ Jessie and Mark: you both are correct re: the finished project being the reward.
If it aint broke dont fix it.

British Columbia, Canada
Joined: February 20, 2012
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Posted: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - 12:58 PM UTC
Here is another one from the Devils in the Dark campaign.
I want to finish this.
Cheers Rob.

Anything without guns is a target!
27 completed campaigns and counting :)
Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 04:05 AM UTC
Hello Rob, nice to have you in HQIII and love the work table even if it is cleaner than mine

I also wanted to join in on the Devils in the Dark, but life kept getting in the way.
If it aint broke dont fix it.

Washington, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 07:51 AM UTC
yeah, I almost had to bring my Black Widow in he to get finished too. I called it finished about 8PM on Sunday.
Now I have to get back to my other Queens, maybe I'll finish the F-102 from Delta Dawn.

Although I managed to destroy the wing tank decals since this pic was taken. I still have about 50 decals and the whole missile bay to finish.
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E

British Columbia, Canada
Joined: February 20, 2012
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Posted: Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 11:24 AM UTC
Thanks Bob.
Cheers Rob.
Anything without guns is a target!
27 completed campaigns and counting :)

Washington, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 06:56 AM UTC
Well, now I know why I have so many Hanger Queens, last night I very carefully painted Navy gloss white on the lower fuselage of my Air Force A-7D,

Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
British Columbia, Canada
Joined: September 03, 2009
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Posted: Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 07:08 AM UTC
So? You're a good start towards doing this one, then.
When once you have tasted flight you will walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
-Leonardo Da Vinci

Washington, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 01:46 PM UTC
Not that I have those decals, I claim that the manufacturer mad the original mistake, here'd the box art:
Guess their research department missed something..
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 11:43 AM UTC
@ Mark: way to go on the 102 and what kit is the A7? never heard of ACE.
@ Jessica: hello there.
If it aint broke dont fix it.

British Columbia, Canada
Joined: February 20, 2012
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Posted: Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 12:58 PM UTC
I have the Ace A-7A Corsair kit that I just got recently.
Cheers Rob.
Anything without guns is a target!
27 completed campaigns and counting :)

Washington, United States
Joined: November 05, 2005
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Posted: Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 02:23 PM UTC
Bob, This Ace is out of Korea, I think that there is another Ace out of Ukraine. THe kit appears to be a knock off of Italeri's A-7 kit. But the Research department is from a different world All of the marking drawings act like the plane might be all white. No color callouts other than flat black radomes. The red on the decals is off register, only affects the star and bar set. But there's also a pair of stray "Navy" decals with Navy style squadron numbers (but Attack squadrons don't start with 2). The drawings show AF style S/N callouts, but the decals all have the first digit of the S/N as 2, no matter what the drawing shows. Finally there are Navy style plane numbers on the nose gear doors.
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: August 27, 2010
KitMaker: 679 posts
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Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 04:25 AM UTC
Hi all,
Junkers going at a steady pace, main painting completed.
Now its time for some small touch-ups, decals, varnish and weathering...starting to see the finish line

Bob, answering your question, this is the bird i'm trying to replicate...

One odd incident happened to me for the first time, i started painting the overall RLM 76 using a old Valejo bottle that turned out to be insufficient to cover all surfaces, so i went and bought 2 new bottles. Much to my surprise the "new" RLM 76 is way more grey than the old hue i started using. Found out that the RLM 65 suffers the same fate.
anyone out there noticed this?
Here's a photo showing the difference, the darker being the new 76

Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 02:38 PM UTC
@ Pedro: your Junkers is looking really good I will look forward to the finished project.
@ Mark: I went by the building that housed Bobbye Halls Hobby House today and it has been turned into a bistro.
If it aint broke dont fix it.

Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 04:46 PM UTC
Tore down Paradise, put up a parking lot.
IIRC it was a 'craft' hobby shop; trains, plastic kits, RC. stuff you had to build. No chemistry sets, coin collections, well before collectable cards. Did they carry the old Avalon Hill war games?
Staged a raid on my local Goodwill last week, came away with 9 HO railroad cars. One was stored in a wadded up Richardson, TX newspaper from 1975. One was even unassembled, I built it up yesterday. I've also scored several car models there, nothing more than $4.99
Thought you were out in west Texas, not Dallas.
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 05:29 PM UTC
Live in Austin, but was at a family picnic close to Dallas.
If it aint broke dont fix it.
Utah, United States
Joined: May 27, 2003
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Posted: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - 03:08 PM UTC
@Pedro--very nice camo job! Care to share your method?:
1) How long did that take you to do?
2) Was it freehand or did you use a mask of some sort? I.e. adjacent holes punched in card stock?
3) What make/model of airbrush?
4) What type of paint, ratio mixture, air pressure?
Looking forward to it progressing.
Build 'em better than the box art!
Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: August 27, 2010
KitMaker: 679 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - 07:46 PM UTC
Hi Keith,
Lotta questions there

, let's see if I can run them one by one
1) it took me some 3 hours to finish the entire motle 82/75
2) freehand, even though the camouflage motling use by some german nighfighters such as this one is almost hard edged
3) this brings me to how i try to achieve it. I used one of my H&S Evolution airbrush, but any brand will do, either single or dual action, providing it has a fine tip and needle
4) the hardest part is to find the correct ration of dilution on the paint. I use Gunze acrylics highly diluted in alcohol, sprayed at 2.5 psi. I usually do a blank spray first to get the pain flowing thin before going on to the model surface, and even then sometimes i didn't achieve the correct flow to do a more hard edged motle.
Regular luftwaffe motle is way more fun to do than the one used on this Junkers imho
Now it's taking me days to weather the model