Howdy vonCuda,
Thx for the comments. Yeah, the Osprey idea I had has been crawlin' around in the back of my mind for some time now. It's actually a spin-off of an idea I had planned on for a T2K entry {and haven't ruled that out as yet

}. The original idea I conjured up was a cross between a V-22 Osprey and the science fiction vehicle from the Gerry Anderson series, 'Space 1999', the Eaglo One Transporter.
The idea was to redesign the center section of the Osprey so that it more resembled the Skycrane helicopter with the empty mid-section, but could carry several
different, individual loads in similar fashion as the Eagle Transporter........this original idea of mine just translated over to the whole 'fire-fighting' application.
The fire-fighting 'thing' I felt was superbly addressed by the Osprey's ability to; heavy lift, stay 'on-station' longer, and once the load is dropped, shift to fastflight configuration to pick up the next load of water/retardant, and then fastflight
back to the scene, and repeat......repeat, and.......
....crazy idea huh? ;-)