hello Bjorn,James and Mark,
in am involved in 7 or 8 campaigns this year including running one plus being co-leader for another campaign.i think a 2009 campaign will work for me,i am also running one in 1009
this is my schedule for 2008:
1)no guns allowered,model shipwright
2)forgotten sisiters,model shipwright
3)cold war tin cans,model shipwright
5)battle for europe,aeroscale
6)hollywood at sea,model shipwright
7)pre-dreadnought,model shipwright
iam helping Matt run blitzkrieg and i am the campaign leader for pre-dreadnought.
in 2009 i am running the ww1 campaign.so i thought that a sea plane campaignin late 2009 would be right for me,if was to run it.
any one of you who would like to take this idea and run it as a campaign,has my blessing for i have a lot to do 2008 and a very slow builder. i hope this helps to explain why i want to start it in 2009.if anyone does take this to start in 2008,i would suggest to make it atleast a 10 month campaign