Winston that looks like a really interesting build, but you've unfortunately left your arrival a bit too late and the official finish date for the Campaign has passed ! I wuld suggest that you start a build log thread in the World War 2 thread page
HERE and share the rest of your build with us.
Adam, your little Mossie is coming along very nicely, perhaps you could follow the path that Torchy took, find some circle templates and paint the roundels.
Torchy, "Payload Time" on the monster Mossie ! Looking great my friend.
eMan, beautiful work on the 410 sir. Well done on getting it finished in time and thanks for sharing your work here with us.
Well folks it's time for the closing ceremony.
Firstly a big thanks to Torsten (Blackwidow) for helping me get this idea off the ground at the beginning.
Secondly thank you to everybody who has dropped in to watch and post comment and advice for the participants, it has been great.
Lastly and most importantly a HUGE thanks to those of you who have contributed with builds here, either completed or still in progress. There has been some stunning work on display and the gallery looks amazing.
Once again I humbly apologise for not being able to contribute with a build for my own Campaign, but a change in circumstances at work has left me with less hours at the bench for a while. Sad but unavoidable.
I have awarded ribbons to all those who have posted completed build pictures either here in the thread or in the Campaign gallery.
With the new series of features underway showing off our Campaign builds, I would suggest that everybody should post there as well. Greif8, Naseby and Snorri have not yet done so, I will also PM them as a reminder.
Finally, to those with builds still in progress, please keep at it and keep posting your progress here for us. I love seeing how you all work, and I will certainly hold your ribbons in storage until you are done.
Thanks everybody for your contributions, you have made this ZERSTORER Campaign a most enjoyable and rewarding one for me to lead.
Cheers, D