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OFFICIAL: FW190 'Wurger' Campaign
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 - 03:39 AM UTC

Quoted Text

My hat is off to all those who managed to build theirs without as much cussing and struggling as me.


I'm fast approaching that moment of truth, Eetu. Closing in on 10 hrs of bench time so far on this build. Its been tied up mostly in motor and flaps, but I started in earnest on the cockpit and gun deck last night. It is my hope to close the fuse by this weekend. (if you hear an existential scream from across the Atlantic then you'll know I flubbed it up!)

I've really been taking notes from the rest of you building Eduard Wuergers. It is hoped that all _your_ suffering shall not have been in vain!

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 - 08:50 AM UTC

Quoted Text


I'm fast approaching that moment of truth, Eetu. Closing in on 10 hrs of bench time so far on this build. Its been tied up mostly in motor and flaps, but I started in earnest on the cockpit and gun deck last night. It is my hope to close the fuse by this weekend. (if you hear an existential scream from across the Atlantic then you'll know I flubbed it up!)

I've really been taking notes from the rest of you building Eduard Wuergers. It is hoped that all _your_ suffering shall not have been in vain!


I'll keep the windows open and my ears peeled!

Oh, just take it careful and I think you'll have much less trouble than I did.
The cockpit assembly fits between the fuselage very well, the large locating tabs in the front are pretty much foolproof. The "shelfs" that hold the rear decking also great, just make sure you get it right before applying cement. Thanks to the kit's engineering and the rather thin fuselage sides (well, a blessing and a curse, as those in my sample were slightly warped, nothing serious though), I could glue the fuselage halves together first, then insert the cockpit and apply liquid cement from the inside.

But for the gun compartment, my major mistakes were not checking the fit of the windscreen and gun cover when glue was drying, and my ill-fated attempts to save time by using CA for my repair attempts.
Also, you might want to consider gluing some styrene strip inside the fuselage as additional locators/supports for the gun compartment, as those locators in the kit aren't as prominent as the ones for the cockpit.
Take it slow and keep an eye on the proper fit of the winscreen and gun cover and I think it'll go just fine.

Ontario, Canada
Joined: November 14, 2009
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Posted: Friday, June 08, 2012 - 04:06 AM UTC
Seeing a lot of nice 190 build in here.

My Dora is coming up through the painting process, 3 of 6 colours are now down

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr
New South Wales, Australia
Joined: March 09, 2006
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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 08:02 AM UTC
Nice work everyone.

Just a reminder that there is not much longer to go to wrap this one up. Please make sure to post some pics in the appropriate campaign gallery once you have completed your build.


Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 02:51 PM UTC
Paint is on, just decals to go.

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr
Ontario, Canada
Joined: November 14, 2009
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Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2012 - 02:34 AM UTC
And done

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr

Hasegawa FW190D 1/72 by mawz_models, on Flickr
Uusimaa, Finland
Joined: March 30, 2004
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Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2012 - 09:57 PM UTC
Turned out real nice! It's not too often you see war booty 190s.

Some more progress on my entry.

That's it, the exhausts. The only parts I ended up using from the quickboost cowling set... Oh, well what can you do about resin shrinkage.

Crude but effective. Some milliput pressed inside the gun cover makes makes mounts for the MG 131 barrels.

Here's the über high tech contraption I made to aid in positioning the engine. The cooling fan goes in the hole face-down and the engine and cowling are placed over it.

The fit of the wing halves was a bit funny. They fit nicely - there should be hardly any need for filling at the wing to fuselage seams. The holes for the wing root cannons also lined up well. But most of the panel lines going over the leading edge didn't. The same was true for the gun camera. in the left wing. Filling with CA and rescribing did the trick for the panel lines. The mismatched gun camera I cut off and made a new one from brass tube.

Next I'll get the engine attached to the cowling with milliput, followed by finally putting the fuselage, cowling and wings together.

Georgia, United States
Joined: August 08, 2011
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Posted: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - 04:32 AM UTC
Nice to see so many Wurgers getting finished and worked on! Well done to everyone!

Made a bit more progress on my entry! Here she is mocked up without glue, should have the main bits together shortly!

Full Build Thread

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, June 15, 2012 - 06:22 AM UTC
For those who put their hearts into designing the engine mount system for the Eduard 190 kits, sorry...

Crude and inelegant, but hey, it worked!
Or that's what I though until I pulled out the engine after the milliput had hardened. I thought I got the front of the engine and the cowling positioned properly, but apparently I messed up somewhere. The engine sits straight and properly, but the front face of it didn't, which was just what I was after...

I'm not 100% sure if it's the reduction gear housing part itself that's messed or if I might have simply gotten it misaligned due to my scratchbuilt ignition harness (which was ironically and ultimately pointless addition as practically nothing with the cooling fan in place...), but the front end of it nevertheless sits crooked. Or then some or all of those AND I got the position of the whole engine assembly messed up.

Indiana, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 16, 2012 - 12:56 PM UTC

That is rather concerning. (Just when I was gathering confidence in the progress of my build). Eetu, you're about one step ahead of me in the construction sequence so I've been following your build with great interest.

Its funny, there are so many of us grappling with the Eduard kit we could have launched our own group build for just this kit.

I only hope I get done before the deadline .

I've been spraying alot of RLM 02 and am almost ready to install the cockpit into the fuse. After that things will really pick up speed.

Indiana, United States
Joined: January 13, 2009
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Posted: Sunday, June 17, 2012 - 02:43 PM UTC
Put the pedal to the metal today. Finally made the leap of faith required to close up the fuse and attach the wings. Lots of test fitting led to an assembly that, thus far, has had few surprises. The scratch built flap inserts also snugged together nicely.

Again, dunno if I can make the deadline but I'll make an honest go of it.

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 - 04:25 AM UTC
I'm at the same point right now. Hoping to get it done in time as well.

Pics from yesterday, prior to joining the fuselage and the wing:

I was already taking out some thick styrene sheet to make new ammo boxes to replace the parts I trashed when trying to get the gun compartment to fit, but fortunately realized prior to starting any carving that there was an unneeded pair in the A-6 kit I got in my stash. Usually I realize these things way too late.

Georgia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 - 09:46 AM UTC
Right there with you Fredrick and Eetu (except with the Hasegawa 1/32 kit of course)!

Got lots of tedious things done and have the airframe ready for paint:

For more details, please see the Full Build Blog

Ten days left lads, lets get these Wurgers finished up!!

Wisconsin, United States
Joined: March 17, 2009
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Posted: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 - 05:10 PM UTC
Stick with it, Eetu and Fred - you will win in the end!

Here's the proof....mine is done!

More photos are located in my build log .

Thanks to all for a great campaign - The Fw190 is one of my fave aircraft, so it's great to see such a diversity of schemes and variants.

Tom D
Wisconsin, USA
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2012 - 04:49 AM UTC
Managed to get the main colors on the airframe, so I am a day ahead of schedule (which is good since I'm sure something will get messed up and I'll need the extra time for redo/repair)!

On to the finish!!

Indiana, United States
Joined: January 13, 2009
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Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 12:40 AM UTC
Really nice progress, Doug!

Time check. Current build time: @16 hours. Its becoming clear that, unless our flight leader (in her infinite mercy) grants some extra loiter time over the combat zone (i.e. an extension)I don't think I'll be able to get this bird finished by our deadline.

That said, I'm gonna press on regardless and get it done. (this will not go into my "hanger queen" file.

Now then. To the other Eduard builders: Has anyone noticed that the gun deck hatch cannot be positioned "closed" on the gun deck with the guns and ammo bins mounted? Did Eduard intend that? (I didn't see a note in the instructions)

Georgia, United States
Joined: August 08, 2011
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Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 06:56 AM UTC
I knew I should not have gloated about having been a day ahead of schedule. I did not like the way the mottling came out compared to the actual airframe, so I ended up redoing it a couple of times to get something I was happier with:

The full details are over in the build blog in the WW2 forum. Well, now I've used up the extra time I had, so will be pressing forward soon to try to get this one wrapped up in time!

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 07:45 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Now then. To the other Eduard builders: Has anyone noticed that the gun deck hatch cannot be positioned "closed" on the gun deck with the guns and ammo bins mounted? Did Eduard intend that? (I didn't see a note in the instructions)

I remember reading build reports and articles mentioning the need to trim the guns the their mounts in order for the gun cover to be closed properly.
With mine, I didn't even bother building the guns and mounts according to the instructions, since I'm building it buttoned up and I like to be able to install the guns after painting.

Looking good, Doug!
Wisconsin, United States
Joined: March 17, 2009
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Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 10:03 AM UTC

Quoted Text

I knew I should not have gloated about having been a day ahead of schedule. I did not like the way the mottling came out compared to the actual airframe, so I ended up redoing it a couple of times to get something I was happier with:

Looks good, Doug! I do the same thing every time with Luftwaffe mottle... my first attempt never really looks "right" to me upon reflection, and I always end up going back for rework....

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Saturday, June 23, 2012 - 07:47 AM UTC
Wish I was so far with my entry as you! I'm only just about ready to start doing some priming...

Fortunately the wings-to-fuselage and cowling-to-fuselage fits were good, only requiring a little bit of putty and Mr. Surfacer, plus a bit of shimmming with thin styrene sheet with the rear left wing root and the top of inner cannon covers. Sanding the seams removed the fine representations of the strenghtening(?) strips right behind the wing root cannon bays, so I made new ones from styrene strip.
Drilling out a hole for the FuG25 antenna under the rear fuselage and making an antenna wire mounting hook to the tip of the tail rounded out the construction.

Here's perhaps the only gripe I can think of on material choices regarding the kit:

Why not make the connecting bar a PE part? Provided they made proper, folding-down mounting tabs, it would be both easy to attach, allow some tweaking when fitting inside the rear canopy, and it could easily have the slot through which the antenna wire goes.
Oh, appears they included that part in the separately sold extended PE set. I would have rather ditched the PE cooling gills to that separate set and include the actually useful canopy part right in the kit. Oh well...

Hmmm... I wonder if I should try cutting in the slot or just keep it simple and go for the antenna wire simply attached to the canopy itself?

Wisconsin, United States
Joined: March 17, 2009
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Posted: Saturday, June 23, 2012 - 11:27 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Why not make the connecting bar a PE part? Provided they made proper, folding-down mounting tabs, it would be both easy to attach, allow some tweaking when fitting inside the rear canopy, and it could easily have the slot through which the antenna wire goes.
Oh, appears they included that part in the separately sold extended PE set. I would have rather ditched the PE cooling gills to that separate set and include the actually useful canopy part right in the kit. Oh well...

Hmmm... I wonder if I should try cutting in the slot or just keep it simple and go for the antenna wire simply attached to the canopy itself?

I thought the same thing as I was building my kit!
I also though about doing the same thing for the antenna, but by this point I was not ready to push my luck! Ha Ha!

Georgia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 07:07 AM UTC
The Hasegawa 1/32 kit is the same, I chain drilled a slot and then cleaned it up as it more noticeable in 1/32. The old Trimaster kits used PE for those parts, and even had bendable tabs for the support wires.

After some good discussion over on Tom's build blog, it turns out that the Hasegawa instructions telling you to put the breech covers on the upper wing for the outer canons are incorrect. Since I had already followed them (that will teach me), I had to pry them off and redo the area:

Results on my Build Blog

New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 08:18 AM UTC
Hi all,

Just so you know I have put in a request to extend the campaign by a month, not sure if this is allowed but It would be great if all those 190's can get finished....
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 11:22 PM UTC
Great to hear that, an extension would really hit the spot!

Hmmm... Somehow that pre-primer pic of mine doesn't want too show properly. and trying to view it gets me an error message saying the file's corrupted. I've better try to re-upload the pic.

Talking of primer: It's on!

Well, to be exact and up-to-date, this is lagging a bit behind as at the moment I've already done preshading with black and sprayed the yellow under the cowling and the blue Reich's defense fuselage band of JG 54. Now it's time for RLM76.

Georgia, United States
Joined: August 08, 2011
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Posted: Monday, June 25, 2012 - 07:19 AM UTC
Looks good Eetu!

I'm in the middle of putting the decals on today, but don't know if I will make it in the end as the remaining work requires a bit of drying time between steps, so I too would welcome an extension of two weeks or so

Anyone heard anything about an extension?
